Do you think your organization is immune to corruption? Or, on the contrary, that it has well and truly invaded your organization and that it is too insidious to be fought effectively?
The risk of corruption is everywhere, and corruption can be fought, provided that you have the appropriate means to do so.
Based on the latest research in behavioral economics and inspired by traditional Swiss values, we have developed a tool capable of accurately identifying the hot spots in your organization that pose major corruption concerns, as well as the levers capable of strengthening anti-corruption measures.
Clean and effective governance is not only possible but profitable.
Ask for the CLEANGovernance audit.
What is corruption ? Corruption is a specific act, a behavior, carried out in a deliberate way, which is morally and legally unacceptable. Examples of such acts include: theft, perjury, offering or receiving bribes.
However, these deeds as such are not sufficient to be classified under the heading of corruption-specific attitudes ; what is decisive is the underlying motivation. The main motivation of the corrupt person is to act in a way that serves his or her personal interest at the expense of the interest of the organization (private or public) on whose behalf he or she exercises authority.
Corruption is not inevitable, because even if it cannot be definitively eradicated, some societies have succeeded in curbing it. Switzerland is one of these countries that is doing well. Two age-old values are at the root of this state of affairs: honesty and parsimony.
Cultivating these values and creating the right climate for them is not an impossible task, provided that the organizational and personal factors that threaten them are identified and incentives are put in place to stimulate them. Based on both Swiss tradition and scientific research in the field, this unique audit allows you to pinpoint the motivations that can lead to corrupt behavior and gives you concrete programs to prevent it and reduce its impact.